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超值精選 VA - Tea Music Collection 閒情聽茶系列 (台灣自製)

超值精選 VA - Tea Music Collection 閒情聽茶系列 (台灣自製)
超值精選 VA - Tea Music Collection 閒情聽茶系列 (台灣自製) 站長完整超強合輯(150首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)

Artist: Tea Music
Title Of Album: Zhang Fu-quan - Collection
Year Of Release: 1993-2004
Label: Wind Music
Genre : New Age / Meditative
Quality: MP3
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Total Time: 10:33:10
Total Size: 1.41 Gb

The complete collection of Chinese tea music (?閒情聽茶系列?) contains 8 CDs,
on which Chinese composers take you on a musical journey through the world of
tea. The CD entitled 「Tea」 introduces listeners to the various types of
tea, from Dragon』s Well to black tea from southern Fukien, on 「Tea Travel」
we set out to the most renowned tea localities such as the Yellow
Mountains or the peaks of Omei and Puto, the CD 「Tea with Flower Fragrance」
, with the help of the sounds of nature prepares an hour of harmony ensuing
from the concord between tea and flowers, 「Oolong Tea」 is a collection of
the aural characteristics of the eight best known Oolong teas, 「Tea & Pot」
refers to the dexterity of Chinese ceramic workshops and presents eight of
the best known teapots from which we can drink tea whilst listening to 「
Chinese Tea Ballads」 skilful transformations of classical compositions by
contemporary artists using the original instruments, and if we accept the
cordial and sincere 「Invitation to Tea」, we can set out on the harmonic 「
Way of Tea」 as a celebration of a return to nature, of purity and simplicity
of being.

Made in Taiwan in 1993-1998.

N.B. - the mp3 quality for all albums is now 320K
Separate album covers are placed into corresponding folders.

Track Listings by albums:

#1 - Tea (1993)

1.從來佳茗似佳人~西湖龍井 Long-jing Tea, in Xihu 6:43
2.清香滿山月~廣東鳳凰水仙 Phoenix-daffodil Tea, in Kwangtung 5:11
3.香泉一合乳~蒙古奶茶 Milk Tea, in Mongolia 7:18
4. 寒夜客來茶當酒~西藏酥油茶 Butter Tea, in Tibet 6:31
5. 芳氣滿閑軒~洞庭碧螺春 Bi-Luo-chun Tea, in Tungting 6:23
6.疏香皓齒有餘味~台灣凍頂 Dong-ding Tea, in Taiwan 6:31
7.茶煙輕揚落花風~福建春茶 Spring Tea, in Fukien 4:52
8.臨風一啜心自如~閩南功夫茶 Gong-fu Black Tea, in Southern Fukien 6:00

#2 Tea Travel (1994)
1. 香飄水雲間~廬山雲霧茶
2. 香氳滿袈裟~普陀山佛茶
3. 誰人知此味~甘肅三泡台
4. 茗外風清移月影~信陽毛尖茶
5. 一碗和香吸碧霞~臺灣包種茶
6. 風前何處香來近~新疆維清茶
7. 壺邊夜靜聽松濤~黃山毛峰茶
8. 雲間幽徑香~峨嵋蛾蕊茶

#3 Tea With Flower Fragrance (1994)

01. 珠蘭大方~清友
02. 梅花祁紅~韻友
03. 蓮花珍眉~淨友
04. 玳玳毛尖~名友
05. 玫瑰翠片~豔友
06. 桂花龍井~仙友
07. 茉莉銀毫~雅友
08. 玉蘭雲霧~芳友
09. 梔子普陀~禪友
10. 菊花普洱~益友

#4 Oolong Tea (1994)

1. 鐵觀音 Tie Guan Yin
2. 鳳凰單叢 Feng Huang Dar Cong
3. 水金龜 Shiu Jin Gui
4. 白毫烏龍 Bai Hao Oolong
5. 永春佛手 Yong Chug Fo Shou
6. 大紅袍 Pa Hong Pao
7. 鐵羅漢 Tie Huo Hang
8. 白雞冠 Bai Ji Guan

#5 Tea and Pot (1995)

1. 輕如雲彩~雞頭壺
2. 紫泥泛春華~大彬壺
3. 甜夢何悠然~睡翁壺
4. 蒼竹滴翠~束竹壺
5. 隔淡霧看青山~薄胎粉彩壺
6. 盛來雪乳香~南瓜壺
7. 古樹扭風~樹癭壺
8. 芳軒小品~孟臣壺

#6 Chinese Tea Ballads (1996)

01. 湘江茶歌
02. 閩鄉採茶舞
03. 蜀山茶謠
04. 採茶謠
05. 洞庭茶歌
06. 茶山姐妹
07. 西子湖畔請茶歌
08. 茶郎夢

#7 An Invitation to Tea (1998, the performer is 史志有)

1. 奉茶~義情
2. 指間香~真情
3. 思想起~舊情
4. 摘芽童心~稚情
5. 寄情~鄉情
6. 在水一方~惜情
7. 香凝綠林上~愛情
8. 茶悟~放情

#8 The Way of Tea (Cha Tao) - 1996, performers: 吳愛國、周樹雄、張鴻翔

1. 雅
2. 潔
3. 敬

01. Long-jing Tea, in Xihu (the West Lake)
02. Phoenix-daffodil Tea, in Kwangtung
03. Milk Tea, in Mongolia
04. Butter Tea, in Tibet
05. Bi-luo-chun Tea, in Tungting
06. Dong-ding Tea, in Taiwan
07. Spring Tea, in Fukien
08. Gong-fu Black Tea, in the Southern Fukien

Tea Travel
01. Cloud-fog Tea, in Mt. Lu
02. The Buddha`s Tea, in Mt. Puto
03. San-p`ao Tai Tea, in Kansu
04. Mao-chien Tea, in Hsinyang0
05. Wrapped Tea, in Taiwan
06. Uigur Green Tea, in Sinkiang
07. Mao-feng Tea, in Hwang Shan
08. Omei Flower Tea, in Mt. Omei

Tea with Flower Fragrance
01. Pearl-orchid Ta-fang Tea
02. Plum-blossom Ch`imen Red Tea
03. Lotus Chen-mei Tea
04. Taitai Mao-chien Tea
05. Rose Green Tea
06. Osmanthus Lungching Tea
07. Jasmine Yin-hao Tea
08. Magnolia Cloud-fog Tea
09. Gardenia Puto Tea
10. Chrysanthemum Puerh Tea

Oolong Tea
01. Tie-guan-yin
02. Feng-huang-dan-cong
03. Shui-jin-gui
04. Bai-hao-oolong
05. Yong-chun-fo-shou
06. Da-hong-pao (Big Red Robe)
07. Tie-luo-han
08. Bai-ji-guan (White Cockscomb)

Tea & Pot
01. Light as Rosy Clouds - The Chicken Head Pot
02. Starry Sky - The Da-bing Pot
03. Carefree Dreamer - The Sleeping Old Man Pot
04. Verdant Message -The Bamboo Cluster Pot
05. World of Transparence - The Polychrome Enamel Pot
06. Taste of Rurality - The Pumpkin Pot
07. Older Allure - The Gnarled Pot
08. Tiny and Dainty - The Meng-chen Pot

Chinese Tea Ballads
1. Tea Song of the Xiang River
2. Dance Music about Tea Plucking
3. Tea Song of Shu Mountain
4. A Tea Ballad
5. Tea Song of Dongting Lake
6. Tea Plucking Girls
7. A Tea Party beside Xihu Lake
8. A Tea Picker`s Dream

Cha Tao: The Way of Tea
01. Elegance
02. Purity
03. Respect

An Invitation to Tea
01. Have a Cup of Tea
02. Please
03. A Maid`s Mind
04. Love of the Past
05. Innocent Times
06. Remembrances of Home
07. Yonder
08. Over the Water

Drunk in Tea
01. Drunk in Tea
02. The Darker
03. the More Beautiful
04. Please Have Tea
05. Little Sheep
06. This is My Hand
07. Blue Cape
08. Dance the Peacock
09. I am a Piece of Cloud

Tea Drops
01. Moon Falling to West Lake
02. Rain and Tea
03. Listen to the Spring
04. Tea Beauties
05. Temple Dream
06. Green Fragrance
07. Waves of Willows
08. Rain Talking

Taste Zen in Tea
01. Essence of the Green
02. River of Fragrance
03. Intoxicating Colors of Tea
04. Drunken is the Bone, Awaken is the Soul
05. Both are Forgotten
06. Taste Zen in Tea
07. As Free as the Clouds
08. No nothing at all

Poetics of Tea
01. Fragrance of Water
02. Fine Tea Is Like a Beauty
03. Scents of Colors
04. Forgot to speak
05. Flying Rain
06. Icy Flesh and Jade Bones
07. Remembrance of a Dream
08. Yesterdays and Todays
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